Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another Day Without a Cell Leader

Cell was chaotic,
everything was a disaster,
there were disagreements
and most of all
a birthday was forgotten.

I am just kidding. I was just trying to scare Boo!

It was not chaotic, disastrous and there were not any disagreements. The boys in cell just had a tough time making decisions, but finally managed to sort out the Christmas Party plan. Although, not everything were fully delegated.

A birthday was not forgotten as well, because it was Stephanie's birthday! We did a Sect 11 and Taman Desa tradition where we switched off the lights and the birthday cake magically pop out. But a birthday was forgotten, I am not sure whether most of you are aware but yesterday was also Gideon's birthday. Go and wish him a belated birthday if you have not. He cannot make it to cell because he was having a time of his life in Genting. Isn't he 21? *waggles eyebrows*

On yesterday itself there were first timers doing ice-breaker and worship. Sha-Lyn did the ice-breaker, while Jin did worship. They did a great job, although I think Sha-Lyn's ice-breaker was a bit ganas, while Jin worship led in a very different and unique style. John-Aidan and Jen-Sen did word and they did a fantastic job although it ended up interestingly.

Before we left, Stephanie's grandmother cooked and bought some yummy food to feed us for Stephanie's birthday. There were meehoon, fried rice, curry cockles, curry chicken, some kuih jelly thing and our favourite was the satay! I am sorry I did not take any pictures but the food was scrumptiously delicious!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

why do you believe in Christ?

Cell was great, as usual. Haha. There were two new visitors - a Korean guy and a girl from China. We discussed the cell lesson about doing good and being righteous in the face of persecution. The stories shared were inspiring, especially Karen's story on how she became the victim of a guy's vitriolic attacks on Christianity. Then, I'd asked everyone why they believe in Christ. At first, a scary silence greeted me.

Although we may not know the A-Z details of every book in the Bible, the least that we should know at the tips of our fingers is the reason for our faith in Christ. If we don't even know that, how can we share our faith confidently with non-believers? I cannot stress how important it is to know why you believe in Christ. If you've never thought about it before, go home, take some time off and meditate on why you really believe in Christ.

One's faith cannot be borrowed from one's parents. If you are a Christian just because you were brought up in a Christian home - but you do not have the deep, heart-felt assurance of your faith in Christ, you need to re-evaluate your faith. This understanding encompasses all aspects of your self - intellectual, emotional and spiritual. Once you have that, your spiritual walk will be so much more exciting because there is a purpose to everything that you do.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Great job!

Great job, Jen-Sen! Really wish I could have been there. Unfortunately, I only came back from Alor Star and reached home only at 10 pm. Our cell is getting more and more exciting. Hehe. Abby - great design work! You think we're all actors acting in Oscar-worthy films every week? :p With all the drama going on, we're more like a Spanish telenovela. Haha. I'm the family matriarch. :D

Hope to see all of you at cell tomorrow. There's something EXCITING that I wanna share!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Day Without a Cell Leader

Yesterday's cell was quite interesting because both Boo and John-Aidan were not around to lead the cell. But thank God Jen-Sen had volunteered to temporary lead the cell while Boo was away. He did a wonderful job leading the cell and he now truly understands the sweat and labour that Su-Lynn goes through being a cell leader. Everyone in cell teased him, saying that he was being mean to everyone by bossing them around and using his signature words, "You suck!".

Nevertheless, everything from ice-breaker to refreshments was well planned beforehand for this coming cell. Good job, Jen-Sen! It seems that Boo's prayers were finally answered because some of the members in cell are rising up to be leaders!