Sunday, August 17, 2008

answered prayers!

I realize that I have not been very frequent in updating this blog. I shall TRY to update it every time after cell meeting. Then, it'll be more regular than my own personal blog-updating. Haha. But anyway, thank God for ANSWERED prayers! We had been praying so hard (me anyways) for someone to host cell, since most people find my place rather too far for them to travel. And, God made a way! Stephanie, our newest cell member, has graciously opened up her place for us cellies to gather! Thanks a lot, Stephanie! You have no idea how much this means to us! :D

Her house is lovely and she is an excellent hostess, making sure we're well-fed. Haha. It's not official yet, but God willing, it seems that we have already found ourselves a nice place to go to every Friday night. And soon, its light (and noise) will shine in the entire neighborhood as a house of God! :-) I am just extremely excited! There have been so many changes happening (and are still happening as I take the cell under my wing). With God's grace, He will see us through right till the very end as we become transformed from glory to glory, winning souls for the Lord and growing stronger and stronger in our faith each day.

Today, I shared the gospel with someone while waiting for my cue to start playing the part of an abused wife. Haha. I thank God for the opportunity to share and I can only pray that God will water the seed that I have planted, and bring another person to harvest that seed.

To all my cell members who are reading this, go on and share the gospel with people you meet - be they friends or strangers! Do something caring for them and they will see the love of Christ reflected in you. Keep on persevering!

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