Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept birthday celebrations

The birthday celebration we had for John-Aidan and Abigail on Friday was really exciting and unpredictable. Heheh...thanks to the devil in me. ;-) With the help of Stephanie who bought the cake and Jin who made the ingenious suggestion of dumping them in a nearby park, we had the birthday girl and boy blindfolded and stuffed into a car. Hahahaha. You can see the pictures on Facebook. On that night, we had two new visitors too! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for bringing new people into cell. Not to mention, we have an additional two new cell members - Sha and Shun! So, there are now 12 regular cell members. Perfect. I have 12 disciples. Lol.

Back to, Jin, Abigail and Noel helped Stephanie to move her stuff from home to her university in Semenyih. John and I were just in time for the pool party. Haha. Sorry we couldn't help you move, Steph, but I'm sure those three were more than able. ;-) We had a ton of fun playing frisbee in the pool along with Steph's uni mates...well, Noel and I were more like frisbee collectors as we just stood outside the pool and flung the frisbee back into the pool whenever they flew outside the pool. I was feeling a little ill - had a fever yesterday, hence my decision not to go swimming. After that, we went out for dinner. For the first time in my life, I drove myself back home after dropping John without getting lost! Yay!

Keep praying for God to move the cell and its members to greater heights.

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